Filologia angielska

Sekretariat: pokój C 3.04 lub C. 3.05 (
ul. Władysława Bojarskiego 1 (Collegium Humanisticum), 87-100 Toruń
tel. 56 611 35 65 lub 56 611 35 55, fax 56 611 35 56
strona główna:

zdjęcie nagłówkowe

Filologia angielska

Toruńska anglistyka powstała w 1945 roku, ale już w 1952 przestała istnieć – zamknięto ją z powodów politycznych. Reaktywowana została dopiero w roku 1986; pierwsi absolwenci ukończyli ją w 1992 r. W roku 2011 anglistyka przeniosła się do Collegium Humanisticum, jednego z najnowocześniejszych budynków dydaktycznych w Polsce (strona promocyjna). Studenci mają tu dobre warunki do studiowania, dostęp do sal audio-wizualnych oraz kolekcji ok 24 000 książek anglistycznych.

Od roku akademickiego 2015/2016 wszystkie programy oficjalnie uzyskały status studiów w języku obcym, honorowany przez kraje Unii Europejskiej.

Filologia angielska w Toruniu oferuje:

  • studia I stopnia (trzyletnie studia licencjackie),
  • studia II stopnia (dwuletnie studia magisterskie dla posiadaczy tytułu licencjata).

Na II stopniu do wyboru są dwie specjalności: edytorsko-filologiczna, translatoryczna (tłumaczeniowa). Oferowane jest też kształcenie nauczycieli (łącznie na s1 i s2).

Ci, którzy osiągają najlepsze wyniki w nauce (studia stacjonarne), mogą skorzystać z umów podpisanych przez UMK z ośrodkami zagranicznymi i spędzić jeden lub dwa semestry studiując np. w Wielkiej Brytanii, Francji, Turcji, Hiszpanii, Portugalii, Finlandii, Niemczech, Republice Czeskiej lub na Malcie w ramach programu Erasmus+.

For candidates from abroad

Why choose Toruń?

All our students are provided with a good study environment. We have a library of approximately 2400 volumes, access to multimedia resources and well-equipped language laboratories. The best regular students may benefit from the agreements signed between the NCU and foreign universities and spend one or two semesters studying abroad; the Department also hosts Erasmus+ program foreign exchange students. Those students who would like to broaden their academic horizons beyond the core curriculum may engage in the work of the English Philology Club and pursue their artistic interests in the students’ theatre.

We have  a relatively long tradition of teaching English. Established in 1945, the English Departament in Toruń was closed for political reasons in 1952 (since in the Stalinist era English studies were viewed as potentially subversive), only to be re-opened in 1986. The first graduates completed their studies in 1992. In 2011 the Department was moved to a new site, one of the most modern university buildings in Poland.

Google Map: the new building

Study programmes

We have the right to confer the degrees of licencjat (B.A. equivalent) and magister (M.A. equivalent). We provide a dynamic scholarly environment for quality teaching, research and conferences in literary and culture studies (postcolonialism, SF and fantasy, postmodernism and feminism) and linguistics (cognitive stylistics and textual analysis, construction grammar, evolution of language, and translation studies). The three-year BA programme can be later continued for another two years for an M.A. specializing in English and Editing or Translation Studies.

The regular full-time B.A. and M.A. programmes (s1 and s2) have their part-time. To make student-teacher contact more effective, some staff employ IT technologies of distance learning.

Enrollment: register with NCU’s Internet Registration System

Full-time MA programmes: entrance exams

English Studies: B.A. programmes

On completion of the three-year-long study programme, the student will obtain a BA diploma and will have gained knowledge of Anglophone literature, culture, and linguistics. The undergraduate will have productive skills at B2+ level in compliance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. The skills, knowledge and social competence acquired will be an asset in such sectors as translation and interpreting, tourism, corporate services, public relations, marketing, advertising, and copy-writing. The student will be able to continue English studies in the MA programme.

The English Studies programme (BA cycle) is addressed to both Polish and non-Polish undergraduate students. It offers a combination of practical English courses and language studies field-specific seminars and lectures (British and American literature and culture, language acquisition, linguistics, contrastive and descriptive grammar). All subjects are taught in English (these also include Latin and foreign language courses read in English). The study programme comprises courses which should facilitate the undergraduates’ entry into the job market: English for specific purposes – translation laboratory, and business English.

English Studies: M.A. programmes

On completion of either of the two-year-long study programmes, the student will obtain an MA diploma and will have gained thorough knowledge and skills within specialisation fields. The graduate will have productive skills at C1+ level in compliance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Depending on the programme, skills, knowledge and social competence acquired will be an asset in such sectors as translation and interpreting, copy-editing, publishing, digital publishing, tourism, corporate services, public relations, marketing, advertising, business communication. The student will be able to continue English studies in the PhD programme.

The programmes we offer feature unique specialisation courses which target latest developments in their respective disciplines: copy-editing, textual scholarship, digital and desktop publishing, Anglophone book and magazine analysis; Anglophone mass media, culture, politics, literature and society; translation and interpreting skills and theory. Apart from attending such programme-specific classes, students also participate in language-study seminars (in literature, culture and linguistics), practical English courses, business English classes and translation laboratories. The programmes are addressed to both Polish and non-Polish undergraduates.

How Practical English works

Practical English is a composite course consisting of several component modules. In order to pass the entire course, a student has to pass each module. Failing one module means failing the practical English course. This means that a student has to retake the entire practical English course; e.g. if a student fails the course in the winter semestre, they have to retake the course in the winter semestre next academic year and cannot attend Practical English classes in the summer semestre.

The final test/presentation in every Practical English module is administered to determine the extent to which students have met the assumed learning outcomes and it values at least 50% of the final grade. A passing score must be obtained on the final test to pass each module.

Timely completion of assigned tasks is obligatory. In the case of assignments submitted after the deadline or re-submitted, the grade is lowered by 10%.

The students are evaluated in accordance with the university regulations, and they must attend all course meetings. Informed participation in class discussions – based on completion of the assigned reading and supportive collaboration with classmates – is also required. Each class absence has to be excused in the first week after the lesson missed. The final grade percentage will be reduced by 10% for every unexcused absence. A grade average of at least 60% must be achieved to pass each Practical English module, so the students who have passed the final test but failed to obtain the required cumulative grade point average have to retake the final test and achieve a result sufficient to make up for the points lost due to unexcused absences.

Instructors are authorized to refuse credit when the student’s absenteeism rate is around 50%.